My name is Agnieszka Kurczuk, but my first name was Inna.
I am half Ukrainian by father, half Polish by mother.
I studied at Warsaw Medical University and King's College of London. I was trained at Albany Medical Center, NY - USA.
As a child I used to be sick very often and had to spend a lot of time in the hospital environment, where I have started to be fascinated by Medicine.
I am a mother of 2 children.
I am also a vegetarian since I was 5 years old, because I simply refused to eat animals, who I considered being my friends.
Ever since this age, I have been fascinated by all the aspects of biology and femininity.
Women in my family used to heal sicknesses by usage of herbs and diets. My great-grandmother Anna was a famous village healer.
My big hobby is collecting precious and semi-precious stones. Along with this passion I am interested in the ancient knowledge of the Influence that stones can have on the human body and mind.
Currently I am in a process of obtaining my PhD title in the History of Medicine and writing the dissertation on The Great Obstetrics Wheel ; From Egyptian Papyri to the Action "Give Birth In Human Way"; at Yagellonian University in Krakow, PL.
In the past years I was travelling a lot to many different countries.
I am now a resident of Malta.
I believe that with my knowledge and attitude I will yet help to heal many people in the next years.
I consider myself not only a doctor, but a Holistic Healer.
About Me